Breithe. Bás. Athbhreithe.

A Birthday Reflection

The human body is an ephemeral being. Our time on Earth doesn’t last forever, but some people believe existence is a recurring one. The soul continues to move in the cycle of life with a new body everytime the old one is tired. A good representation of our lives could be a quote from the movie adaptation of Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol to describe life, “Breithe, bás, athbhreithe.” [Birth, death, Rebirth.]

Birth, death, rebirth, is a journey every human takes in their lifetime. This journey occurs twice in our lifetime:
• Our journey from what we thought was our purpose in life, to our purpose in life. Here, the death of old habits, brings the birth of new habits.
• Our journey from this life to another life, where death connects our present life to our future life.

Birth is the start of a journey. At birth, everything is new. You are given a life to live, or a purpose to fulfill. On the journey to fulfilling your purpose, there are habits you pick. After some time, you discover that some of the habits you picked do not support your goals. When this happens, we decide to drop these habits, and pick new ones. This takes us to the stage, where our old habits die. Just like the snake sheds its skin, you drop these habits to pick new ones. This is the chance you are given to become better. This stage could always feel like the end for you, but it is only the chance you get to choose better. The death of a habit brings forth rebirth. Look at the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly. A caterpillar spins its cocoon to become a butterfly. If the process doesn’t occur, we would not have the opportunity to see beautiful butterflies. That’s what happens in life. The death of our old self gives us a new version of our lives.

When we are born, we are starting a journey from where we stopped in our past life. Reincarnation. At the stage of our death, our body dies, and the soul continues the journey in another body. This gives the soul the opportunity to fulfill its purpose, without a worn-out body. But for each body given to us, a different purpose is given. That is why death is always present to separate our purpose everytime we join the wheel of life.

What then is required of us? To make the most out of the time we are given, for we do not know when our clocks stop ticking. The numbers on our clock represents every decade of our lives. Some clocks do not count up to half, others almost every number, while few go round the clock, and start another one.

Like the clocks we have in our houses, some people hold some hours of the day in high regard. In the same vein, any number our clocks stop, means more than how many times we go round the clock. This means that, we should not focus on how long we have to stay here, but on the impact of our stay here.
As we do not know the length of time given to us in this wheel, let us make our stay in this wheel worthy of remembrance. Our bodies may die, but our impacts live on Earth after our death. Embrace the talents bestowed upon you, give more love, and leave an impact while at it.

The last year, I learned to throw my worries off my back, and my cup of blessings overflowed.
I faced my fears, and conquered them all.
My life took a positive path, when I decided to let the future come at its pace.
I learned to live in the present, and be grateful for every little bit I received.

This is the year I stop existing, and start living.
The year I embrace the assignment the creator has given me.
This is the year I go on a journey to find my gifts, and give them.
The year I am determined to get better at everything I have decided to do.
This is the year I give more love, for the vault of love my mother gave me, cannot be bled dry.

I am excited for what’s to come in the next year.
God has been, and will always be by my side.
Thank you to everyone and every event that made the last year a memorable one.
I’m glad to have you in the next.
We shall all see our stars shine bright.
Happy birthday to me.
Cheers to a new age.

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