The existential question of what happens after we die: Reincarnation or Heaven and Hell?

Heaven and Hell are notions that have been imbued in many religions, specially, Christianity, Islam, and some schools of Judaism. They believe heaven is a place where those who did good on Earth go for their reward, while hell is the place bad conduct is punished. This belief has encouraged believers to live a goodContinue reading “The existential question of what happens after we die: Reincarnation or Heaven and Hell?”

Superstition: is it real or just a myth?

Merriam-Webster defines superstition as, β€œa belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation,” or β€œan irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition.” These definitions clearly show us that superstitious belief could be as a resultContinue reading “Superstition: is it real or just a myth?”

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